Psychiatric Evaluation

We will get to know you as a whole person, not just a diagnosis. We take our time to assist you in uncovering the root of the problem. There are no rushed appointments here. We want to listen to you, and we assure you that you will be heard. We will help you put a name to the condition you are suffering from, in an accepting environment without stigma, and then work with you to treat it appropriately and safely.


Medication Management

We believe in the conservative use of psychiatric medications to relieve symptoms associated with a variety of psychiatric conditions. We prescribe the safest possible medications, in the fewest number possible, in the lowest possible dose, for the shortest duration possible to provide symptom relief. Our job is to educate you on the risks, benefits, possible side effects, and alternatives to suggested treatment to allow you to make an educated decision regarding your care.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that has shown proven results in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and serious mental illness. CBT is centered around identifying flaws in the way that we think and feel about things and how we cope with them. CBT can improve overall function and quality of life. This form of therapy has been shown by research, in some cases, to be as or more effective than some psychiatric medications.

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